15 minutes

Playbook: Alternative Models in Retail

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sunny Zheng, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

The new Coresight Research Playbook series provides recommendations for brands, retailers and marketplaces seeking to tap growth segments and emerging trends. In this Playbook, we present six key strategies for retail players to capitalize on gradually maturing alternative models in retail:

  • Collaboration
  • DTC (direct to consumer)
  • Rental
  • Resale
  • Subscription

We discuss examples of the strategies and models across multiple categories, with a focus on the US market.


What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

Alternative Models in Retail: A Playbook

  1. Use Differentiated Operational Models To Drive Growth in Target Markets
  2. Deploy Technology To Improve Operational Efficiency Across the Supply Chain and in Pricing and Customer Service
  3. Leverage Data To Generate Hyper-Personalized Recommendations and Offer Personalized Shopping Experiences 
  4. Adjust Product and Service Assortment To Serve Elevated Demand in Certain Categories
  5. Communicate DTC Brand Stories to Consumers; Improve Pricing and Delivery
  6. Launch Collaborations To Deliver Interesting Concepts Aligned with the Overall Brand Image

What We Think

Implications for Platforms/Retailers Operating Alternative Retail Models


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