18 minutes

Exploring the US Consumer Products Rental Market

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sunny Zheng, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

We provide an overview of the US consumer products rental market, covering market players and growth drivers within five key segments. We also discuss three trends we are seeing in the market, plus potential headwinds, to help brands retailers and brands better understand and capitalize on rental opportunities in a changing retail environment.

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Contents (Click to navigate)

What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

The US Consumer Products Rental Market: Coresight Research Analysis

Market Overview

1. Apparel Rental

2. Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental

3. Furniture Rental

4. Party and Event Supply Rental

5. Recreational and Sports Rental

Themes We Are Watching

1. Digitalization Among Traditional Rental Companies

2. Increased Flexibility in Delivery

3. Rise of Tech-Enhanced Services in Apparel Rental

What We Think

Implications for Brands/Retailers

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