15 minutes

US Apparel and Footwear Distribution: Winning and Losing Channels Amid Market Upheaval

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sunny Zheng, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

US apparel brands and retailers are altering the way they sell to consumers. We discuss the performance of five key sales channels and major players in the US apparel and footwear market, covering department stores, mass merchandisers and warehouse clubs, online-only retailers, and specialty retailers.

We illustrate the development of category sales by sector and by major retailers, and include our ranking of the 10 biggest retailers of apparel and footwear in the US, by sales and market share.

Read about the growth of digitally native vertical brands (DNVBs) in the US apparel and footwear market and find all Coresight Research apparel and footwear coverage here.

Contents (Click to navigate)

What’s the Story?

US Apparel And Footwear Distribution: Coresight Research Analysis

Market Overview

Sales Channel Insights

  1. Department Stores: Recapturing Market Share Via Younger Consumers
  2. Online-only Retailers: Faster Deliveries, Optimized Websites and Better Product Assortments
  3. Mass Merchandisers: Market Leaders Target and Walmart Step Up Their Apparel Focus
  4. Specialty Retailers: Off-Price and Luxury Set for Strong Recovery
  5. Warehouse Clubs: Important Destinations for Apparel Shoppers

What We Think

Implications for Apparel Brands/Retailers

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