12 minutes

Brand Mashups in Luxury: Gucci Fast Becoming the Chief of Collaborations

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Swarooprani Muralidhar, Director of Research
Insight Report

What's Inside

Through 2020 and 2021, we saw numerous luxury brands enter partnerships to capture the attention of consumers through unique products, creative marketing and limited-time merchandise. With the ongoing hype around the metaverse, several luxury brands are collaborating with unlikely partners to participate in the trend.

We discuss the key benefits of collaboration and examine recent major luxury brand mashups, such as between Gucci and Disney (Mickey Mouse); Gucci and The North Face; and Dior and NIKE.

Contents (Click to navigate)


What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

Brand Mashups in Luxury: Coresight Research Analysis

Three Benefits of Collaboration

In-House Collaborations

Multibrand Collaborations: Balenciaga, Gap and Yeezy

Luxury Collaborations in the Metaverse

What We Think

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