22 minutes

Head-to-Head in US Apparel Retail: American Eagle Outfitters vs. Gap Inc.

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Anand Kumar, Associate Director of Retail Research
Deep Dive

What's Inside

The competitive apparel and footwear specialty market in the US is led by rivals Gap Inc. and American Eagle Outfitters. As part of our Head-to-Head series, we compare the two retailers’ business strategies and performance, as well as the following key topics:

  • Strategic partnerships, acquisitions and investments
  • Efforts to improve the customer experience through technology
  • Customer demographics such as age and income

Click here to read the latest report in the series, Head-to-Head in India’s Apparel Retail Market: Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited vs. Arvind Fashions Limited.

Read more Coreight Research coverage of the apparel and footwear market.

Contents (Click to navigate)


American Eagle Outfitters vs. Gap Inc.: Coresight Research Analysis

  1. Revenue Growth
  2. Operating Margins
  3. Shopper Profiles
  4. Key Business Strategy
  5. Business Expansion Through M&A and Key Strategic Partnerships
  6. Data-Driven Personalization, Inventory Management and Marketing
  7. Brick-and-Mortar Strategy and Digital Expansion
  8. ESG Initiatives

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