23 minutes

Market Outlook: Grocery Retail in India—Growth Led by Convenience and Wellness

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Arun Sriram, Analyst
Market Outlook

What's Inside

We provide an overview of the grocery retail market in India for the rest of 2022 and beyond, including the market’s scale and opportunity, its competitive landscape, themes we are watching and analysis of five market factors:

  1. Inflation
  2. Surging demand for ready-to-eat foods
  3. Health-conscious consumers
  4. Lower-tier consumers’ shifting lifestyles
  5. The growing adoption of quick commerce

For more on the grocery market in India, read our earlier report, International Grocery Retailers in India: Growth Opportunities Despite Regulatory Constraints. Click here for more on grocery retailers and the grocery market worldwide.

Contents (Click to navigate)


Market Scale and Opportunity

Market Factors

Online Market

Competitive Landscape

Themes We Are Watching

Retail Innovators

What We Think

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