Analyst Corner 7 minutesRegister for Free AccessAnalyst Corner—Deal Dynamics: The Upward Trajectory of the US Off-Price Market, with Anand Kumar Anand Kumar, Associate Director of Retail Research August 11, 2024 What's InsideWelcome to Analyst Corner! Every Sunday, a member of the Coresight Research team discusses upcoming or recent research and their thoughts on interesting topics in their area of expertise. This week, Anand Kumar, Associate Director of Retail Research, outlines our projections for off-price retailing in the US and discusses key factors shaping the growth of the market. We also highlight our key research from the past week and reports to look out for in the coming week, so you don’t miss out. Data in this research report include: Proprietary survey findings on US consumers’ value-seeking behavior Other relevant research: Market Outlook: Off-Price Is On Top as Growth Continues Visit the Coresight Research Fashion and Luxury Hub to explore sector data, reports and company profiles. Read previous Analyst Corner reports, including last week’s report, which discusses the layers of hidden fees that consumers are experiencing across multiple industries. Please Login to read the full report. Not a member? Register for a free user account. This document was generated for Other research you may be interested in: Three Things You Need To Know: Influencer Marketing in the Global Beauty MarketNew Challenges and Opportunities in Luxury—Insights Presented at Shoptalk 20234Q23 US Earnings Season Wrap-Up: Many Companies Report Better Performances Following the Holiday SeasonDebunking Three Myths of Holiday Readiness: Insights Presented at Google Think Retail on Air