10 minutes

Brand Mashups in Fashion: Benefits in Consumer Engagement, Access to New Markets and More

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Anand Kumar, Associate Director of Retail Research
Insight Report

What's Inside

In 2021, we saw a strong recovery in consumer demand worldwide—especially in the apparel and footwear category. In this context, we continue to see companies turn to brand mashups, whereby two brands collaborate with each other to launch new projects and products.

We analyze the value of brand mashups in the fashion industry, highlighting three primary benefits of this strategy with examples of recent high-profile collaborations, such as between Gap and Yeezy, NIKE and Supreme, and Staud and New Balance.

We present recommendations to help apparel and footwear brands and retailers frame their approach to brand mashups.

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