2 minutes

Coresight Bites: US Consumer Tracker—High-Income Consumers Reduce Avoidance of Public Transportation

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Georgina Smith, Head of Editorial
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  • The Coresight Research US Consumer Tracker provides a detailed update on US consumers’ behaviors, concerns and expectations, with a focus on the implications for retail.
  • Our latest weekly consumer survey, undertaken on May 3, 2021, found that avoidance of public transportation has dropped most drastically among high-income consumers. This group generally has more choice about whether to take public transport, so declining avoidance suggests that more consumers are becoming more comfortable with using public transport—out of choice rather than necessity.
  • The decline in avoidance also indicates that office workers in cities that commute via public transport are getting back to work at higher rates.
  • Click the image below to access our free report that presents select findings from the latest survey, or read our full report.