Coronavirus Tracker: Retail Metrics and Key Developments (Archived)

Coresight Research’s Coronavirus Tracker brings together data on the development of the coronavirus pandemic and the impact on countries, economies, industries and consumers, including a selection of retail-related metrics.

You may also be interested in our research reports on the coronavirus impact on retail.

As of February 2021, this page is no longer updated. Readers can find migrated content and additional data in two replacement Databanks:

Our US Consumer Tracker Databank provides insight into US consumer behaviors from our weekly tracker surveys.

Our Corporate and Financial Developments Databank collates management changes, financial guidance updates, capital raised and furlough and layoff announcements by major retail companies.

Archived content in this Coronavirus Tracker includes::

Coronavirus Global Cases

This chart shows the cumulative number of confirmed coronavirus cases, worldwide and in 10 selected countries. Choose more than one region to compare.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering

This chart shows the cumulative number of recorded coronavirus deaths, worldwide and in 10 selected countries. Choose more than one region to compare.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering

Key Developments Timeline


US States’ Reopening Dates for Businesses


US Retailers That Have Announced Temporary Store Closures or Reduced Operating Hours

Event Cancellations and Postponements


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Contributions by Major Retailers and Brand Owners


Retail Partnerships


US Retailer Hirings

This report is for Premium subscribers only. Learn more about subscriptions here.

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