10 minutes

Digitally Native Vertical Brands in the US Furniture and Home-Furnishings Market—Insights into Their Continuing Success

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sunny Zheng, Analyst
Insight Report

What's Inside

Furniture and home furnishings DNVBs were uniquely placed to benefit from the pandemic-driven trends of heightened e-commerce spending and increased focus on the home. As pandemic restrictions are eased, and traditional retailers expand further into e-commerce, we assess the outlook for US furniture DNVBs.

We analyze the following key trends in the sector:
  • Expanding product portfolios
  • Investment in brick-and-mortar stores and experiential shopping
  • Diversifying selling channels through third-party partnerships
  • Meeting heightened demand amid global supply chain disruption
  • Educating consumers from afar
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