2 minutes

February 2020 Monthly Consumer Update: US, UK and China

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Anand Kumar, Associate Director of Retail Research
Insight Report

What's Inside

Coronavirus was the overarching theme across all consumer spending numbers in this month’s report as the outbreak spread across the globe, disrupting consumer behavior (and hammering retail) as it went.

This report looks at:

  • How retail in China fared amid the outbreak, and what that may mean for the West.
  • What drove a surge in US retail, including some odd sector changes.
  • Shifts in the UK economy.

Coresight Research’s monthly reports keep you up to date on US and UK retail sales, US retail traffic and in-store metrics, selected US retailers’ same-store sales and key global consumer indicators. Click here to view our full collection of Monthly Reports.

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