Insight Report 9 minutesRegister for Free AccessHoliday 2020: UK Retail Outlook—Over 40% of Nonfood Sales Set To Be Online Coresight Research October 29, 2020 What's InsideWe provide our estimates for the UK retail outlook for holiday 2020. This free report covers the following key content: Our estimates for total retail sales growth—including discussion of demand by category and the impact of coronavirus-related restrictions Capacity challenges relate to Covid-19 social distancing and e-commerce demand Our expectations for online retail sales—considering recent online growth trends at store-based food and nonfood retailers, as well as nonstore retailers Click here to read our Holiday 2020: US Retail Outlook. This report is available for free and can be accessed by registering for a free account. Update: On October 31, subsequent to publication of this report, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson unexpectedly announced a four-week lockdown in England. This lockdown forcesdnonessential retail stores to close from November 5 to December 2. See our updated retail outlook for more details. Please Login to read the full report. Not a member? Register for a free user account. This document was generated for Other research you may be interested in: Head-to-Head in US Drugstore Retailing: CVS Health vs. Walgreens Boots AllianceThe Future of 3D Design—Transformative Changes and Impact: Insights Presented at 3D Tech Fest 2024Innovator Profile: Hyran Technologies Uses AI To Drive Profitability and Sustainability in the Fashion Supply ChainThree Data Points We’re Watching This Week: Store Closures, Last Mile and More