Insight Report 8 minutes PremiumHoliday 2023: Help Wanted… or Not. Slow Growth in Planned US Retail Hiring Aditya Kaushik, Analyst November 20, 2023 What's InsideContinuing our coverage of the 2023 holiday season, we explore the seasonal hiring plans of major retailers and logistics firms in the US, as well as trends in employment and job-opening levels. Data in this report include: Year-over-year growth in additional holiday labor levels among leading retail and logistics companies, 2020–2023 Selected leading retail and logistics companies’ holiday hiring plans, 2013–2023 US unemployment rate—overall and in retail, January 2022–October 2023 Retail job openings in total and as a proportion of all nonfarm job openings US retail employment breakdown by subsector Companies mentioned in this report include: 1-800-Flowers, Amazon, Bath & Body Works, Dick’s Sporting Goods, JCPenney, Macy’s, Target, Walmart Other relevant research: The Coresight Research US Holiday Retail 2023 Databank tracks key retail metrics for the holiday season, including announced holiday hiring plans by retailers and logistics firms. US Holiday Survey and Outlook 2023: E-Commerce To Drive Growth Holiday 2023: US Retail Outlook Summary Update All Coresight Research coverage of US holiday retail Already a subscriber? Log in You are currently viewing a preview of this report. Please select an access option to view the full report. Hide Options - Show Options + Get unlimited access to all our research with one of our subscription plans. View Subscription Plans or Contact us to purchase this report. Contact us ✕ This document was generated for Other research you may be interested in: Weekly US and UK Store Openings and Closures Tracker 2023, Week 30: US Openings Up 7%Roblox and Fortnite: Bridges to the Metaverse for Fashion BrandsIs the Future of Security Locked in Technology?: Insights Presented at NRF Protect 2023US Back to School 2024: How and Where Will Consumers Shop?—Uncovering the Channels and Retailers Set To Capture Share