13 minutes

How Retailers Can Unlock True Profit Potential

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Mili Gloria Peter
Deep Dive

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What's Inside

Uncovering potential savings in GNFR (goods not for resale) expense has become increasingly important, as many US retail and CPG companies have encountered constrained profit margins as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Leveraging findings from a recent Coresight Research survey, we present insights and discussion around the following topics:

  • Retail and CPG companies’ overall GNFR spending as a percentage of total costs
  • Current focus on GNFR expenses for potential cost savings—and what changes organizations made to manage these costs due to Covid-19
  • The potential of GNFR savings to lift profit margins
  • Top challenges faced by retailers and CPG players in managing GNFR spending

We also discuss how services and technology solution providers such as LogicSource can help businesses reduce GNFR expense, with discussion of the following:

  • The impact of data analytics on GNFR cost savings
  • Benefits of spend analytics platforms
  • Importance of procurement and sourcing strategies—and key areas where organizations are using procurement analytics
  • Outsourcing GNFR management functions to solve profitability challenges—with case studies

This free report is sponsored by LogicSource, a sourcing and procurement services and technology provider with exclusive focus on helping companies improve profit margins by reducing GNFR expenses.

Non-subscribers can access the report by completing the form on this page.

Click here to read more about why not-for-resale savings could be the key to unlocking profitability.

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