10 minutes

How US Consumers Are Shopping for Groceries: Analyzing Traffic, Ticket, E-Commerce, Private Label and Retail Foodservice

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sujeet Naik, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

During 2022, CPG retailers and grocers must look to build on pandemic-driven momentum and position themselves for longer-term growth. In this report, we discuss five key ongoing consumer shopping trends in the US grocery market, using data sourced from IRI—identifying which are shifting back toward pre-pandemic preferences and which are proving sticky. We analyze basket size and trip frequency, sales channels, price per unit, private labels and foodservice.

For our grocery sector Market Outlook for 2022, please click here.

Contents (Click to navigate)


How US Consumers are Shopping for Groceries: Coresight Research Analysis

1. Basket Size and Trip Frequency

2. Sales Channel

3. Price Per Unit

4. Private Label

5. Retail Foodservice

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