2 minutes

January 2020 Monthly Consumer Update: US, UK and China

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Anand Kumar, Associate Director of Retail Research
Insight Report

What's Inside

US retail sales growth slowed in January after a strong showing in December, although December’s numbers were likely helped by the late Thanksgiving that pushed more holiday spend into the the following month.

This report looks at key consumer indicators in the US, the UK and China:

  • In the US, inflation was on par with wage growth—but fuel prices surged.
  • UK food price inflation moderated in January—but inflation strengthened in fuel.
  • In China, per capita disposable income expanded at a healthy clip, fuel prices fell double digits and food prices climbed double digits as the ongoing outbreak impacts the domestic economy.

Coresight Research’s monthly reports keep you up to date on US and UK retail sales, US retail traffic and in-store metrics, selected US retailers’ same-store sales and key global consumer indicators. Click here to view our full collection of Monthly Reports.

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