18 minutes

Retail Innovators: Sustainability and Tech Enablers in the Luxury Ecosystem

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Swarooprani Muralidhar, Director of Research
Deep Dive

What's Inside

The luxury sector remains largely unfazed amid the ongoing economic upheavals, with many players looking to new technologies to increase innovation and gain or maintain a competitive edge. As part of our Retail Innovators series, we present five companies that are disrupting the global luxury market, as well as their tailwinds, headwinds and impact on traditional market players.

Data in this report include:

  • The environmental impact of Hipli packages’ return journey versus that of other packaging
  • The demand for recyclable and reusable packaging
  • The size and growth rate of the global personal luxury market

Companies mentioned in this report include: Bitski, Data&Data, Hipli, LVMH, Spiber and Weturn

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