10 minutes

Retail Reimagined: Rethinking Product Creation To Drive Consumer Demand—Collaboration and Customization

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Katy Cheng
Insight Report

What's Inside

In our Retail Reimagined series, we offer a thematic outlook to the post-crisis world, identifying and discussing key retail trends that are likely to prevail and exploring how retail may be reimagined in response to shifts in demand and supply.

The coronavirus pandemic has significantly impacted consumer demand and spending behavior, so it is more important than ever for brands and retailers to create appealing products to drive excitement and, ultimately, conversion.

In this report, we explore the following key topics:

  • Innovative ways in which brands and retailers can create exciting products for consumers—including cross-brand collaboration and data-driven customization
  • How brands can leverage celebrities and social media influencers to develop and market new products
  • The growth of the C2M business model in China
  • Recent examples of innovative product creation in China and the US.
  • The implications of innovative product creation trends for brands, retailers and technology vendors.

Click here to read the previous report in our Retail Reimagined series, which explores how retailers are implementing contact-light retail operations.

Click here to read Coresight Research’s ongoing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.

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