6 minutes

Retail Robustness Index: June 2020 Update—Assessing Resilience as Stores Reopen

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: John Harmon, CFA, Associate Director of Technology Research
Insight Report

What's Inside

Coresight Research’s Retail Robustness Index evaluates the 100 largest US retailers (by revenue) on their ability to weather dramatic shifts in demand as the Covid-19 lockdowns began. This report updates the scores based on financial reports and retailer store-reopening announcements in the context of easing lockdowns.

We rank the companies according to the following metrics: financial strength; whether the company sells products offline, online and internationally; and the length of tenure of the CEO.

We highlight the top 10 retailers in our ranking and provide commentary on the companies that have seen the biggest score changes from the original index.

Click here to read the original Coronavirus Retail Robustness Index, published on March 26, 2020.

Click here to view Coresight Research’s ongoing coverage of the coronavirus outbreak.

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