Rethinking Last-Mile Delivery: Building Customer-Centric Retail Experiences

Primary Analyst: Swarooprani Muralidhar, Director of Research
Primary Analyst: Swarooprani Muralidhar, Director of Research
Sector Lead: Steven Winnick, Vice President—Innovator Services
Deep Dive

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What's Inside

In today’s intensely competitive landscape, customer satisfaction reigns supreme: last-mile delivery serves as a critical touchpoint, shaping the brand’s perceived value among consumers and influencing future interactions between the customer and brand/retailer. 

There is high potential for lost revenue when online retailers fail to meet customer expectations: more than two-thirds of US consumers would be unlikely to make a purchase if the delivery cost is too high.  

Leveraging proprietary survey findings such as this, we explore the scale of the last-mile delivery opportunity in the US and the state of the current landscape in this comprehensive research report. Dive into the major challenges and gaps, and understand what customers seek from last-mile delivery experiences.  

Gain critical insights into how brands and retailers can create positive, customer-centric delivery experiences that build loyalty and drive profitability.  

This report is produced and made available to non-subscribers of Coresight Research in partnership with Jitsu. 

Data in this research report include: 

  • US online retail sales and e-commerce penetration, 2022–2026E  
  • Proprietary survey data, brands and retailers—last-mile delivery costs; challenges faced in the last mile; delivery options offered; impacts of fast delivery on conversion, repeat purchases, fulfillment costs and returns; influences on external delivery partner selection and satisfaction with service providers 
  • Proprietary survey data, consumers—importance of selected delivery-related factors when choosing a brand/retailer 

Other relevant research:  

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