8 minutes

The 12 Weeks of Holidays: #5—Thanksgiving 2020 Preview—Will Smaller Gatherings Create a “Big Bird” Problem?

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: John Harmon, CFA, Associate Director of Technology Research
Insight Report

What's Inside

This report is part of our 12 Weeks of Holidays series, in which we present key data, trends and observations as we count down to the peak holiday season.

We explore the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, which is likely to be markedly different this year due to changing consumer behavior amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

We discuss the following key topics:

  • Retail traffic and online consumer spending on Thanksgiving weekend 2019—including Black Friday, Small-Business Saturday and Cyber Monday
  • Expectations for in-store shopping this year—considering consumer safety concerns and shopping expectations, and some retailers’ decisions to close stores on Thanksgiving Day
  • The potential growth of e-commerce this holiday
  • Shifts in product mix toward at-home food consumption—and the resulting “big bird” problem
  • Implications for brands, retailers and technology vendors

Click here to read the previous report in the 12 Weeks of Holidays series, which presents findings on how US consumer spending and retail sales have shifted amid Covid-19—and how we expect them to change further for the holiday season.

Click here to read all Coresight Research coverage of US holiday retail.

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