19 minutes

Think Tank: US Retail Loyalty Programs—Redefining Customer Engagement

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Deep Dive

What's Inside

The Coresight Research Think Tank series delves into the trends and segments that we have identified as presenting growth opportunities in retail in 2022 and beyond. 

In this report, we explore loyalty programs in US retail, presenting insights across the following key topics:

  • The benefits that make loyalty programs attractive to shoppers and what they tend to dislike, informed by proprietary survey insights
  • The competitive landscape for US loyalty programs in key retail sectors
  • How demand for unlocking first-party data is driving the loyalty-program market
  • How NFTs are broadening the scope of loyalty programs to engage and reward consumers
  • Three opportunities to make loyalty programs more attractive

Click here for all of our Think Tank reports.

Contents (Click to navigate)


US Retail Loyalty Programs: A Think Tank

Consumer Positions on Loyalty Programs: Our Survey Data

Competitive Landscape

Market Drivers

Opportunities for Retailers: Making Loyalty Programs More Attractive

What We Think

Appendix: About Coresight Research’s RESET Framework

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