21 minutes

UK Department Stores: Change Provides Opportunity

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Erin Schmidt, Senior Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

The UK department store sector continues to undergo huge transformation due to changes in consumer shopping behavior, which have been driven in the past 18 months by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this report, we analyze the recent performance of the UK department store sector and explore how change presents opportunities for future growth. We discuss the competitive landscape and present three trends that we expect to shape the sector moving forward.

Our analysis focuses on the six largest UK department stores—Debenhams, Harrods, House of Fraser, John Lewis, Marks & Spencer and Selfridges—and includes insights into the following key topics:

  • Market share breakdown by major players
  • In-store revenue trends
  • E-commerce growth
  • Sector consolidation and store optimization
  • New services—including rental, resale, refill, repair and healthcare
  • Apparel brand launches and collaborations

Contents (Click to navigate)

What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

UK Department Stores: Coresight Research Analysis

Market Size

Competitive Landscape

Three Trends in the UK Department Store Sector

What We Think

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