10 minutes

US Grocery: Private Labels Rebound as Inflation Rages

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sujeet Naik, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

Private labels (also known as “own brands” or “store brands”) are goods manufactured directly for—and sometimes by—a retailer and marketed under its brand identity, to varying degrees.

We explore five key trends in the US grocery private-label market and analyze data sourced from analytics firm IRI.

Interested in grocery retail? Learn more about strategies and performance at America’s biggest grocery retailers, Amazon Fresh’s push into physical retail and our US grocery Market Outlook.

For all Coresight Research coverage of grocery retailers, click here.

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What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

The Return of Grocery Private Labels: Coresight Research Analysis

  1. Grocery Private Labels Are Clawing Back Share
  2. Private Labels Gain Share in Inflation-Impacted Categories
  3. Private Labels Overindex in Fresh Categories
  4. Retailers Continue Expansion of Private-Label Portfolios
  5. Private-Label Share in the US To Increase as Discounters Expand

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