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June 2019 US Monthly Retail Traffic and In-Store Metrics Report: Independence Day and Father’s Day Boost Traffic

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Sharon Lobo
Insight Report

Executive Summary

Coresight Research’s monthly reports keep you up to date on US and UK retail sales, US retail traffic and in-store metrics, selected US retailers’ same-store sales and key global consumer indicators. Click here to view our full collection of Monthly Reports.

Our US Monthly Retail Traffic and In-Store Metrics Report reviews year-over-year changes in selected store-based metrics, including sales, traffic and conversion rates.

Highlights from our June Retail Traffic report:

  • US store traffic declined 5.8% year over year in June. The conversion rate (CVR) advanced 0.3 percentage points, average transaction value (ATV) grew 4.7% and the product return rate advanced 0.2 percentage points.
  • June’s traffic varied over the course of the four weeks: The week leading up to Independence Day on July 4 and the two days leading up to Father’s Day on June 16 performed the best. The fourth week of June reported slow performance.
  • The midwest experienced the largest decline in traffic at 8.2% and the west and midwest experienced the largest decrease in sales at 2.7%. The south had the smallest decline in traffic at 3.4% and the northeast had the largest increase in sales at 5.6%.
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