Research Digest 1 minute PremiumInsights Video: US Retail and Consumer Outlook SubscribeThis content is for paying subscribers only, please subscribe to watch. John Mercer, Head of Global Research and Managing Director of Data-Driven Research March 3, 2023 What's InsideIn this Insights Video, we discuss the US retail and consumer outlook. We consider whether real declines in retail sales will continue, whether US retail is overinflated, why we may be entering an era of renewed services spending—and why the consumer economy resembles a game of chutes and ladders. Data in this report include: US retail sales—recent growth rates, real multi-year expansion and Coresight Research growth projections Proprietary Coresight Research US survey data on consumers’ reactions to inflation in retail The balance between consumer spending on retail goods and discretionary services Consumers’ excess savings levels and the pace of depletion Coresight Research survey data on US consumers’ savings firepower Consumer credit levels and asset-price changes Other relevant research: US Consumer Outlook and US Retail Outlook for 2023—Presentation This report is for paying subscribers only. Already a paying subscriber? Please log in to see the entire report.If you wish to learn more about our subscription plans and become a paying subscriber, click here. This document was generated for Other research you may be interested in: Positive Thinking—Shoppers Remain Optimistic in Economic Outlook: China Consumer Survey InsightsRetail Around the World: Coresight Research Observations, January 2023Tech Talk from Shoptalk US and Shoptalk Europe: Five Trending Themes, Emphasis on Generative AIInnovator Profile: Factored Quality Streamlines Quality Control Across Global Supply Chains