5 minutes

US Travel Recovery: Part 5—Impacts of a Travel Renaissance on Consumer Spending and Industry Employees

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Owen Riley, Analyst
Insight Report

What's Inside

A rebound in travel and associated spending will benefit millions of low-income US workers who were adversely affected by the steep drop-off in travel in 2020. We examine these benefits and the ripple effects across the entire economy.

This report is the final instalment of Coresight Research’s five-part US Travel Recovery series. Click the topics below to read the rest of the series:

  1. A dichotomous return to leisure and business travel
  2. Dissipating regional travel differences
  3. Domestic-focused travel surge
  4. The slow rebound of international travel
  5. Impacts of a travel renaissance on consumer spending and industry employees
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